Vsesvit Use cases

Generate a Review Article with tables, comparisons, and facts in just a few clicks

Our neural network will collect all the necessary facts and data about your brand, website, or product you are writing a review article about and create the article structure and the article itself for you.

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generate review article with tables

Step-by-step instructions for generating a review article for any product, website, service, game, or platform

Creating a comprehensive review requires a structured approach, regardless of the object being reviewed. This step-by-step guide will help you write an informative and persuasive article about any product, website, service, game, or platform. Start with thorough research and testing, identifying key features and benefits. Formulate clear evaluation criteria and analyze the review object from various aspects. Structure your article logically, using subheadings for better readability. Conclude the review with a balanced summary that will help readers make an informed decision.


Step 01: Prepare your data

Add the product name, geo and language of the article. Write a promo where you need to specify the type of article, basic requirements and structure of the article (optional).Prepare and customize the requirements for the article, this includes adding tables, bulleted lists, underlining. Also, set the rules for writing the article, external sources (competitors' articles about your product), and SEO keywords you want to use in the article.

prepare your data

Step 02: Generate an article structure

After entering the basic prompts and settings, selecting an article author, and generating a target audience, you'll get a ready-made article structure. At this stage, you can edit the outline, delete, move blocks, and set the html markup of the headings for SEO.

generate an article structure

Step 03: Get ready-made content

Edit, work with, and share ready-made content with Swing Editor and Wordpress autoposting. All changes are saved in your database.

get ready made content

Questions about the generation of review articles

Get comprehensive answers to frequently asked questions about generating this type of article from Vsesvit AI

Yes, Vsesvit AI is capable of generating unique content for reviews using advanced machine learning algorithms and an extensive database.

Vsesvit AI automatically integrates relevant keywords, optimizes text structure and meta tags, ensuring high SEO effectiveness of the content.

Yes, Vsesvit AI allows you to customize the tone, style, and format of the review according to the requirements of a specific brand or target audience.

The system regularly updates its database, using the most up-to-date available information to create current reviews.

Although Vsesvit AI creates high-quality content, it is recommended to conduct a final check and, if necessary, minor editing to ensure full compliance with requirements.

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